The Pleading of the Missionary from Venezuela

Neglect, corruption and poor management of state goods have worsened or destroyed all public services; state institutions have been destroyed. 

Venezuela is one of the richest countries in oil reserves in the world, but despite that natural wealth, it has become the poorest country in Latin America.

Neglect, corruption and poor management of state goods have worsened or destroyed all public services; state institutions have been destroyed. Water comes every 45 days, and in some areas, it comes every three months.

During this quarantine period that lasts more than four months, educational and sports activities have been cancelled, so Zdenac only takes care of the preparation and distribution of meals and groceries, respecting all prescribed hygiene measures due to the pandemic. Every day new families from all over the island join in and ask for help with food and basic needs.

Missionary, sister Ljilja Lončar is making an urgent appeal so she can continue to care for the neediest families, who are looking for our help to survive.

In return for your support, every day you receive intercessory prayers, which children and all those who receive food, pray for you, their benefactors from Croatia.


RECIPIENT: Zdenac, I.G. Kovačića 39, 10370 Dugo Selo

IBAN: HR9023400091110984714



SWIFT (for payments from abroad): PBZGHR2X

PAYMENT DESCRIPTION: Donation to Venezuela

Sr. Ljilja Lončar,

The Missionary of Mercy